Free shipping: For US residents with a minimum purchase of 75 Mama Koala products.
Free shipping: For US residents with a minimum purchase of 75 Mama Koala products.
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PPC Facebook Group Moderators searches-Paused

How to become Moderators for our Facebook group?

  1. Anyone who lives in United states, loves PatPat'sCloset products, likes our Facebook page PatPat'sCloset, and a member of PatPat'sCloset group are welcome to apply for our Moderators.
  2. Moderators approve, deny, or remove posts in our group and maintain a friendly, helpful, loving, respectful  atmosphere.
  3. You have to be our active members, be fair and positive, and be a social media genius. 
  4. As compensation, we will send you a one time 24 Mama Koala regular prints pocket diapers with inserts, and 6 more diapers of Mama Koala regular prints monthly with or without inserts as your request. FYI Inserts can't be switched to diapers.
  5. We have the right to stop working with any Moderator any time once we find out you haven't done what we expect, and monthly diapers will be stopped sending out. 
  6. Visit here to check how to be a Facebook Group Moderator?
  7. TBD.


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