Free shipping: For US residents with a minimum purchase of 75 Mama Koala products.
Free shipping: For US residents with a minimum purchase of 75 Mama Koala products.
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March 2021 PO Update

😍😍 All packages are dropped off at POST Office. It is a hottttttt day in Houston Area Texas. I feel bad for all people who work outside in this weather. Keep cool all my customers and friends. Let us know if you don't see any updates for your order. Some of the extras are listed on site We will list more extras, once all customers receive their orders. Keep an eye on our site. No code needed, the system will automatically take off one price for Mama Koala general print, if you purchase 3 PPC custom prints. Update on June 8th,2021.
😍😍All packages are ready to be dropped off tomorrow(Tuesday, June 8th,2021 CST). Let us know if you don't receive your tracking number. We apologize if you received multiple shipping updates, cause we were working on the customs forms, and the last tracking number is the final one. Update on June 7th,2021.
😍😍We have finished packing and starting to print shipping labels. Packages will be dropped off on Tuesday. Update on June 6th,2021.
😍😍 We start packing now, let us know if you need to add anything before we start to print the shipping label this coming Sunday. Update on June 3rd,2021.
😍😍 Our march PO is here perfectly, and we are doing inventory now. PM us if you need to update your shipping address. We plan to drop them off next Tuesday.
As everyone has seen the Mama Koala's recent post about their own website. We are going to keep our discount cod 3PPC1MK active until all of our general prints cleared. Buy 3 PPC Custom prints and get 1 MK free on general prints.
We will keep working with Mama Koala if they still allow us to do co-brand. We also have more awesome products on our site, keep your eyes open.

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