Free shipping: For US residents with a minimum purchase of 75 Mama Koala products.
Free shipping: For US residents with a minimum purchase of 75 Mama Koala products.
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PatPat'sCloset Reps searches

How to become PPC Reps ?
  1.  Anyone who lives in United states, loves PatPat'sCloset products, likes our Facebook page PatPat'sCloset, and a member of PatPat'sCloset group , a cloth diapering Mom are welcome to apply for our reps.
  2. Add Pat'sMom Lee as your Facebook friend.
  3. Your little one is 3 months older, less than 3 years old.
  4. You are passionate about cloth diapering and you are an active influencer who has at least 1k followers. 
  5. We will create promotion/sales code and link for you, and you share the link to cloth diaper groups for 30 days. We will invite you to all groups we ask you to promote, and make sure you tag Pat'sMom Lee or PatPat'sCloset every time you share the link.
  6. As an appreciation being our rep, you will receive one set of six diapers or products we ask you to promote after 30 days promotion.
  7. Our reps search goes by monthly, if you are existing reps, we encourage you to wait for 3 moths to apply for reps again so that more Moms have chances to try our products. 



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